I have to say the ad that had the greatest impact on me was the Google spot, even though it probably had the lowest production budget of all the Super Bowl ads. http://bit.ly/8ZcfRj
It was very simple, but very smart.
Google's spot made me think of them differently. Even though I know that Google is a part of my life. I use it almost every day and it helps me answer this question or helps me get that piece of information. I was not viewing Google from a higher level, which is what the spot made me do.
On a day-to-day basis you don't realize that the many individual "searches" you perform end up affecting the decisions you make in life. The spot put them all together in a "life story."
I now realize that Google has a much bigger influence on my life. In some instances you can say that it has more influence that your family and friends. What other type of media company has that type of influence? TV, radio, magazines, newspapers, outdoor, online display ads, mobile marketing. I would say there is nothing else that compares even remotely.
On a side note, I think the ad stands out because you do not see TV spots for Google often. It was something new. The same old advertisers and creative executions that are extensions from year-to-year start blending into the background for me. I do not remember them.
Thanks Google for reminding me that you have any even deeper impact on my life.
Let me know if Google has a similar impact on your life? Also, let me know if you think that is a good thing or bad thing . I am not sure.

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