Sunday, March 21, 2010

Mobile Ads: Google and PayPal

Google Social Search

While I heard about Google's Social Search months ago I have not taken the time to really set it up. That is, until I saw their small text ad while I was playing a game on my iPhone.

This was the first time that I had ever clicked on a mobile ad (or at least intentionally). When you are taking a little leisure time, for example playing games, I believe it is more likely that you will take a minute or two to click on a ad (if it is relevant). Smart placement.

After learning more I realized that this is just one additional way for Google to learn more about you and your "social circles." Their grip is tightening.

I took the first step by creating a Google Profile and will see how this actually works in "real life." Here are a couple links on YouTube that will help you learn more.

Oh, and if you want to know more about the new Google Goggles, a visual search engine, see link below. Very cool technology. Too bad it is just for Android phone.

PayPal's Mobile App

I am not sure if this is going to be a trend, but the next day I clicked on a second mobile ad. It was for PayPal's Mobile service. I did not pay much attention to this capability when it came out. Probably because I did not have a phone that could use the technology.

Now that I have an iPhone I wanted to learn more. Again, this was great ad placement. A mobile app ad on a mobile phone. Genius!

I clicked on a link at the bottom of the ad to watch additional video. It sent me to a extended version of the mobile ad on YouTube. The video was simple and made it easy to understand the basics (similar to the Google Social Search video). After the video was over it went to a type of landing page that summarized the app. I was interested and was going to try it out.

However, the landing page also provided a place to "Rate, comment, or flag." I started reading some of the comments. They ranged from "awesome" to "lame." I would have to say a majority of the comments were negative, some extremely negative.

Commentors brought up potential concerns and problems, like strangers hacking or stealing your phone and taking all your money. Whether this is true or not, it made me rethink dowloading and trying out the app. I will need to research this a little more.

This is a perfect example where a markerter/company should pay attention to what consumers are saying about them online, and when negative (incorrect) comments are made they should provide answers (correct info). Whether the consumers believe it or not, they will know that PayPal is listening. They might want to check out an online listening company like Radian6.

Let me know if you have ever used an online listening company. What did you think of them?

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